National training workshop on international judicial cooperation in terrorism cases in N’Djamena (November 2018)
On 6-8th November 2018, UNODC’s Terrorism Prevention Unit for West and Central Africa invited the focal points and substitutes of the Sahel Judicial Cooperation Platform (PCJS) to participate in a national training workshop targeting Chadian criminal justice officials, on international cooperation in criminal matters related to terrorism, organized thanks to the generous support of the Government of Monaco.
The focal points’ participation in this national workshop aimed at sharing their relevant experience and best practices regarding judicial cooperation cases in the region, particularly in light of the Regional Agreement on international judicial cooperation signed by Chad, Mali and Niger on 9 May 2017.
Representing their respective central authorities in the field of international judicial cooperation, they joined Chadian officials in actively taking part in discussions, notably within the sessions dedicated to challenges and potential solutions to current challenges faced by different actors when it comes to drafting, transmission and execution of mutual legal assistance and extradition requests, as well as ways to facilitate the implementation of the 2017 Regional Agreement. The focal points were also enthusiast in running practical exercises aimed at improving legal and drafting skills related to international cooperation requests, and in providing very practical advice therefore.
Involving the PCJS’s focal points in this national workshop allowed interesting and useful exchanges on current challenges and issues linked to judicial cooperation in West and Central Africa, and is part of a newly-implemented initiative to allow representatives of the Platform to strengthen their presence and raise awareness on their role in the region.